Torrent download for mac 10.4
Torrent download for mac 10.4

torrent download for mac 10.4

This disc is not intended to be installed on an iMac ( G4 pedestal)it is not a universal installer disc, i did alter the OSTInstall file to remove iMac from the list of banned computers, it is now installing but but there seems to be some problem now, it starts its install and then fails right at the end with an error message i have tried every install method it say my disc might be dirty it has problems reading the disc but now i can not seem to figure out how to eject the disc now, eject button on key board is no longer working i think because the previous install is no longer present? or its archived. you can use the leopard dvd iso included to try and jump to 10.5 if you want. that torrent i linked to above is useful, you can upgrade G4's/G5's up to leopard as far as i know. currently installing tiger on a 10.3.9 700MHz iMac PowerPC G4. make sure it's selected, click the arrow, and you're done. the name of the cd should be whatever you set it to. after a while, you'll get a blue screen, just select the one with the picture as a CD. put the 1st cd i(disk1) in the mac you're trying to install to, and press the "ALT" key on a mac keyboard while booting up. okay, so now in the Mac OS folder, there should be a folder called "MacOS X 10.4.0 (Tiger)-Spanned." Open it, and you have your 4 ISO files ready to burn to CD. Okay, so it takes a while to download, so i would advise you to do it at night before you go to bed & just leave your computer on. if the window doesn't pop up, then there should be some way to view the files in a torrent. just deselect all the checkboxes for the versions of OS X you dont need (for example 10.7, 10.6, etc) and hit ok or download or whatever.

torrent download for mac 10.4

then usually a window pops up with the download directory at the top, and the files in the torrent in the box at the bottom. download the torrent file, open it with your torrent client. IF, you just need 10.4, like this torrent then its simple. You find all the versions of Mac OS X from 9.2 to 10.7. however if you go to this torrent right here: Okay, well i see a lot of you didn't get this working.

Torrent download for mac 10.4